Infinite Scrolling Example
An infinite scrolling table is a table that streams data from a remote server as the user scrolls down the table. This works great with large datasets, just like our Virtualized Example, except here we do not fetch all of the data at once upfront. Instead, we just fetch data a little bit at a time, as it becomes necessary.
Using a library like @tanstack/react-query
makes it easy to implement an infinite scrolling table in Mantine React Table with the useInfiniteQuery
Enabling the virtualization feature is actually optional here but is encouraged if the table will be expected to render more than 100 rows at a time.
# | First Name | Last Name | Address | State | Phone Number |
Fetched 0 of 0 total rows.
import '@mantine/core/styles.css';
import '@mantine/dates/styles.css'; //if using mantine date picker features
import 'mantine-react-table/styles.css'; //make sure MRT styles were imported in your app root (once)
import {
type UIEvent,
} from 'react';
import {
type MRT_ColumnDef,
type MRT_ColumnFiltersState,
type MRT_SortingState,
type MRT_RowVirtualizer,
} from 'mantine-react-table';
import { Text } from '@mantine/core';
import {
} from '@tanstack/react-query';
type UserApiResponse = {
data: Array<User>;
meta: {
totalRowCount: number;
type User = {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
address: string;
state: string;
phoneNumber: string;
const columns: MRT_ColumnDef<User>[] = [
accessorKey: 'firstName',
header: 'First Name',
accessorKey: 'lastName',
header: 'Last Name',
accessorKey: 'address',
header: 'Address',
accessorKey: 'state',
header: 'State',
accessorKey: 'phoneNumber',
header: 'Phone Number',
const fetchSize = 25;
const Example = () => {
const tableContainerRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); //we can get access to the underlying TableContainer element and react to its scroll events
const rowVirtualizerInstanceRef = useRef<MRT_RowVirtualizer>(null); //we can get access to the underlying Virtualizer instance and call its scrollToIndex method
const [columnFilters, setColumnFilters] = useState<MRT_ColumnFiltersState>(
const [globalFilter, setGlobalFilter] = useState<string>();
const [sorting, setSorting] = useState<MRT_SortingState>([]);
const { data, fetchNextPage, isError, isFetching, isLoading } =
queryKey: ['table-data', columnFilters, globalFilter, sorting],
queryFn: async ({ pageParam = 0 }) => {
const url = new URL(
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
? ''
: 'http://localhost:3001',
url.searchParams.set('start', `${pageParam * fetchSize}`);
url.searchParams.set('size', `${fetchSize}`);
url.searchParams.set('filters', JSON.stringify(columnFilters ?? []));
url.searchParams.set('globalFilter', globalFilter ?? '');
url.searchParams.set('sorting', JSON.stringify(sorting ?? []));
const response = await fetch(url.href);
const json = (await response.json()) as UserApiResponse;
return json;
getNextPageParam: (_lastGroup, groups) => groups.length,
initialPageParam: 0,
refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
const flatData = useMemo(
() => data?.pages.flatMap((page) => ?? [],
const totalDBRowCount = data?.pages?.[0]?.meta?.totalRowCount ?? 0;
const totalFetched = flatData.length;
//called on scroll and possibly on mount to fetch more data as the user scrolls and reaches bottom of table
const fetchMoreOnBottomReached = useCallback(
(containerRefElement?: HTMLDivElement | null) => {
if (containerRefElement) {
const { scrollHeight, scrollTop, clientHeight } = containerRefElement;
//once the user has scrolled within 400px of the bottom of the table, fetch more data if we can
if (
scrollHeight - scrollTop - clientHeight < 400 &&
!isFetching &&
totalFetched < totalDBRowCount
) {
[fetchNextPage, isFetching, totalFetched, totalDBRowCount],
//scroll to top of table when sorting or filters change
useEffect(() => {
if (rowVirtualizerInstanceRef.current) {
try {
} catch (e) {
}, [sorting, columnFilters, globalFilter]);
//a check on mount to see if the table is already scrolled to the bottom and immediately needs to fetch more data
useEffect(() => {
}, [fetchMoreOnBottomReached]);
const table = useMantineReactTable({
data: flatData,
enablePagination: false,
enableRowNumbers: true,
enableRowVirtualization: true, //optional, but recommended if it is likely going to be more than 100 rows
manualFiltering: true,
manualSorting: true,
mantineTableContainerProps: {
ref: tableContainerRef, //get access to the table container element
style: { maxHeight: '600px' }, //give the table a max height
onScroll: (
event: UIEvent<HTMLDivElement>, //add an event listener to the table container element
) => fetchMoreOnBottomReached( as HTMLDivElement),
mantineToolbarAlertBannerProps: {
color: 'red',
children: 'Error loading data',
onColumnFiltersChange: setColumnFilters,
onGlobalFilterChange: setGlobalFilter,
onSortingChange: setSorting,
renderBottomToolbarCustomActions: () => (
Fetched {totalFetched} of {totalDBRowCount} total rows.
state: {
showAlertBanner: isError,
showProgressBars: isFetching,
rowVirtualizerInstanceRef, //get access to the virtualizer instance
rowVirtualizerOptions: { overscan: 10 },
return <MantineReactTable table={table} />;
const queryClient = new QueryClient();
const ExampleWithReactQueryProvider = () => (
<QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
<Example />
export default ExampleWithReactQueryProvider;
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